This winter scrape painting activity is so fun and a super easy process art activity that kids will have fun creating. Using a narwhal shape and icy winter colors put a new twist on one of our favorite process art activities.

MATERIALS – Narwhal printable (download below) – White cardstock – Acrylic paint in winter colors – Old hotel cards or credit cards – Scissors – Silver glitter paint (optional) – Lots of paper towels

INSTRUCTIONS 1. First, download and print out your narwhal template onto white cardstock.

2. Get your paint colors ready. We used blue, turquoise, purple and silver.

3. Let kids drizzle their paint onto their paper. This is fun for kids to experiment with, they can try drizzling the paint on in different ways to see how that affects the pattern when they start to scrape it.

4. Once kids are done squeezing the paint onto their paper, it’s time to scrape it away to reveal all of the interesting designs and patterns!

For more art projects kids will love visit  Projects with Kids